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Grilled duck breast with honey and rosemary

Grilled duck breast with honey and rosemary

A classic in French cuisine, so simple to make … you can’t miss it! Use French and high-quality duck breasts.

Parmesan tartlets with red onion & comté cheese

Parmesan tartlets with red onion & comté cheese

My special thanks to the famous French baker, Gontran Cherrier, for letting me share his delicious recipe with you.

Green pea salad

Green pea salad

Yes, you did read correctly: when in season, the green peas are raw from your vegetable garden or fresh from the market, or when not in season use the frozen ones. One day, I forgot to add the bacon, another day my friend Bertille did 

French etiquette at a dinner party

French etiquette at a dinner party

A short guide on seating arrangements, on how to set the table properly, and on the appropriate attitude at a formal dinner party, … CONVENIENT TIPS A seating arrangement cannot be improvised, you need to think ahead of time, decide who will sit next to 

How to cook white asparagus

How to cook white asparagus

My advice is to steam them or use an asparagus steamer. The asparagus steamer is ideal when you really love asparagus. So, if you are a big fan and have enough space to store it, investing in an asparagus steamer is a good idea. The 

Tomato crumble

Tomato crumble

Adeline Brousse who created this delicious recipe I found in a magazine years ago, gave me her go to publish my own version of her recipe. Many thanks to her. Adeline is a French journalist specialized in gastronomy and wine.

Citrus fruit, ginger & honey alcohol-free grog

Citrus fruit, ginger & honey alcohol-free grog

The famous grog: we all know this ancient lemon and honey recipe from our grandmothers. With or without rum, cloves, cinnamon or not and served nice and hot; it smells winter alright and soothes our sore throats. I discovered this recipe in the great ELLE 

Lamb pear and prune tajine

Lamb pear and prune tajine

This recipe originating from Northern Africa is absolutely delicious and frankly easy to make. You may even give it a personal touch by adding almonds, pine nuts, or a little bit of honey, as the ingredients and spices differ from one region to another.



For two 400ml-cake moulds (Length 12 cm, width 7cm, height 5.5cm). For a regular size-cake, double the quantities and bake for about 45 minutes.

French mussels curry

French mussels curry

This family recipe is easy to make and simply delicious. Known to be highly iodized and fleshy, these shellfish are rich in protein, calcium and iron; to benefit from all the richness, they should be cooked just before eaten. Mussels from the French Atlantic or 

Music for party, dinner or cocktail

Music for party, dinner or cocktail

I have compiled a list of smooth pop jazz and soul musics. You just have to listen and assemble your own playlist . Nearly 150 Hits ! Choose your songs and assemble your own playlist . ECOUTER LA LISTE SUR SPOTIFY Let’s Stay Together – Al Green Easy 

Goat cheese truffles

Goat cheese truffles

Suzanne’s chives, raisins and pomegranate goat cheese truffles is an original and easy recipe that can be prepared ahead of time.

Butternut & red lentil soup

Butternut & red lentil soup

You will need a blender to make this smooth and rich soup. If you prefer the Vegan version, just remove the bacon and the chicken broth.

French Beurre Blanc my Way (butter sauce)

French Beurre Blanc my Way (butter sauce)

Champagne and shallots are the prime ingredients used in this recipe to flavour this butter sauce. White wine is also often used in this classic French cuisine recipe too … Don’t hesitate to try it!

Cullen Skink

Cullen Skink

Cullen is a small town in Northeast Scotland and the home of one of Scotland’s most famous dishes, Cullen Skink. It is a hardy soup and traditionally made with Finnan haddock (smoked haddock), potatoes, and leeks. It may be served with nice and thick buttered 

Christine’s ginger salad

Christine’s ginger salad

Christine likes it with more ginger, but Caroline and I found the ginger quantity used sufficient. It will be up to you to adapt to your taste. Ginger root is a fabulous antioxidant. When raw it is a great source of manganese and copper. The 

Beetroot & goat cheese millefeuille

Beetroot & goat cheese millefeuille

Stylish, delicious, and festive do not necessarily mean expensive…No particular hardship for this beautiful recipe which tastes as good as it looks!

Laurene’s rice pudding

Laurene’s rice pudding

Another traditional dessert you may conveniently prepare a day in advance. In the shape of an elegant pie and presented with style on a pastry dish with fresh fruits, this Rice Pudding is a real delight. Along with fresh litchis or mandarines I just love 

Gary’s grilled ribs

Gary’s grilled ribs

We tasted the ribs in different sauces before finding the right recipe that comes directly from North Carolina. The ribs are tender on the inside and crispy on the outside…Mmmmm! Obviously, we eat them with our fingers and can eat them pretty much anywhere! Thanks 

TIME TO RELAX!            Things to do when locked down!

TIME TO RELAX! Things to do when locked down!

As we are facing a second lockdown, and although the fall season does not provide the light and the warmth we enjoyed so much last spring, we cannot say that we were taken by surprise to manage this restrained freedom. To the daily necessary exercise, 

Christmas Songs

Christmas Songs

More than 50 Christmas Songs to create your own playlist this year. To get you in the holiday spirit and to dance around the Christmas tree…! ECOUTER LA LISTE SUR SPOTIFY December 25 – Francesca Battistelli Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) – U2 The Christmas 

Catherine’s tuna salad

Catherine’s tuna salad

On a bed of lettuce, as a tuna sandwich spread, or stuffed in a tomato this American Tuna Salad recipe is a winner in all families. You can even use it to make a delicious Tuna Melt! And if you have leftovers, it is still 

Lemongrass Scallops Skewers with Creamy Rice & Passion Fruit Sauce

Lemongrass Scallops Skewers with Creamy Rice & Passion Fruit Sauce

This is a real Chef’s recipe which I made adjustments to. I would like to address my very special thanks to the team of cuisine teachers from the Professional Cooking High School Escofier for letting me publish their recipe on my blog. You may find it on Page 25 

Karin’s crab meat and brandy o’gratin

Karin’s crab meat and brandy o’gratin

If you use light cream the dish turns out perfectly too. Karin likes to use chunks of crab rather than crumbs… As a starter this quantity is for 6 to 7 guests. As a main dish it serves 4 to 6 people.

Virginie’s seed crackers

Virginie’s seed crackers

These crunchy shortbreads are absolutely delicious. You may even sprinkle a bit if cumin seeds or aniseeds to vary the flavour or simply add a pinch of Espelette chili to spice it up. 



Stéphanie, who is a great cook and who is used to organising large dinner parties, managed to convince me to make this fantastic recipe. Use one of your nice terrine dishes as it will be served on the table.

Audrey or Clemence’s Cookies

Audrey or Clemence’s Cookies

Easy to make, these cookies are to be often checked while baking. I must admit that I over-baked them many times… how frustrating! If you don’t have cookie moulds, make sure to properly separate the dough on the wax paper. Below are 2 recipes I 

French fondue savoyarde

French fondue savoyarde

I have been making this fondue for years. The secret to the perfect dish is to use good quality cheeses. A good quality genuine bread  bought one or two days in advance is important too… This way the bread will have time to dry out just enough to 

Quitterie’s homemade cheese puffs

Quitterie’s homemade cheese puffs

You’re going to love preparing this recipe! Only 20 minutes to bake and you can munch on these delicious puffs!

homemade orangettes

homemade orangettes

How to make orangettes? Buy fresh oranges and premium luxury dark chocolate, and give this easy orangette recipe a try. You’ll love it!

cream of butternut and chestnut with roasted seaweed

cream of butternut and chestnut with roasted seaweed

My friend Armelle, who had me discover this great starter, used pumpkin and I did too. She steamed the vegetables in her steam oven at a temperature of 100° for 15 minutes. If you use a pressure cooker, allow 5 minutes to cook after it 

christine’s mango avocado and shrimp salad

christine’s mango avocado and shrimp salad

This salad is an all-time winner in our family. It is nutritious and well balanced and may well be considered a full meal in the summer. If you plan to serve it as a lighter starter, don’t use so much vinaigrette dressing and don’t use 

Severine’s banana cake

Severine’s banana cake

Although this sweet cake is a classic, there is a large variety of banana cake recipes. Severine’s is just one of  the countless ways to make it. You may also try Karin’s recipe. I love it too!

Cauliflower O’gratin

Cauliflower O’gratin

The size of a cauliflower may sometimes stop you from choosing to buy it especially if there aren’t so many people in your household. Do not let yourself be impressed as there are many delicious ways to eat it, including raw or in a salad! 

Maryse’s Veal Stew

Maryse’s Veal Stew

When you go grocery shopping, let your butcher know if you prefer fatty or lean meat. He will advise and help choose the pieces that suit your taste. I have tried the recipe with only one can of tomatoes and it was delicious too. Better if the 

scallops with parma ham

scallops with parma ham

Tender, succulent, surprisingly very easy to cook, these scallops with parma ham are ready in 15 minutes. Enjoy!