Food, travel and photography

Dear friends

Spring has always been enchanting to me. With the colorful gardens, blooming countrysides and woods, taking strolls and going on getaways are a constant amazing wonder. The market producers’ stalls are an inspiration for a fresh start and give way to new tasteful treats. The delicate colours of young asparagus and green peas, the fresh spring vegetables are a feast to your seasonal celebrations. Salads are trendy again, as well as the “cooking-free” tendency … the convenient dishes ready in less than 30 minutes… Whether you are planning a picnic in a garden, a boat outing, or a large dinner party with friends, I have everything you need to trigger a good inspiration right here. And if you want to make the children happy, check over here. Wishing you happy and sunny days, beautiful projects, and joyful meals with your loved ones. Cheers. Chantal


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