Select just the fresh produce you want to cook and only use lukewarm water. When the fruits and vegetables have a high content in pesticides, dirt, and/or bacteria, getting a 100% successful result cannot be guaranteed. However, be sure to wash with warm water to start with. Peeling the fruits and vegetables would be ideal too, but when it is impossible, here is what you can do :
1.You can mix 90% water with 10% white vinegar: dip the fruits and vegetables in this mixture for 10 to 20 minutes, then rinse and brush if possible. You could also put the mixture in a vaporizer and spray on your produce. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.
2.You can also try other mixtures: mix 1 TBS of lemon juice, 2 TBS of baking soda and a cup of water. Spray on the fruits and vegetables and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. You could also mix 1/2 a cup of cider vinegar and 3 TBS of coarse salt in a large bowl, dip the fruits and vegetables for 20 minutes and rinse.